Thursday, February 9, 2012

Obese America

So, I've spent quite a while away from any type of blogging.  The last time I blogged regularly was on MySpace, so that's at least two years ago probably.  I love writing, always have.  I usually vent in my blogs about how I feel society has become downtrodden victims crying in their beers, which is funny how ironic and hypocritical it is for someone to write and victimize themselves to bitch about the exact same thing.  What a precarious conundrum.  If you have never read my blogs in the past, you should also note that I'm not going to have your average "user-friendly" grammatical fashion on here.  Sure I'll sometimes make mistakes and use an improper word or spell something wrong, but that's why there are blog websites now.  Noone's perfect and everyone has something to bitch about to someone else.

Now that my reintroductions are out of the way I have a very interesting topic I'd like to discuss.  I don't know if I've just become more receptive of it, or if I just tried ignoring the fact, but I've become more aware of how overweight and out of shape everyone has become.  Now, before I go any further and get your fat rolls in bunches, or break your skinny neck from snapping it away from the computer screen in offense, let me just state that I AM NOT IN THE BEST OF PHYSICAL SHAPE EITHER.  I could use some extra weight on me yes.  So now you're probably thinking that I don't know what it's like to be more rotund, but you'd be wrong.  My mom was the lady buying huskies for the 5 year old, and yes there were times when I was younger and more...robust...when I couldn't see body parts on myself. 

I've also been in great shape.  I was working out four or five times a week, and I was the most comfortable with my body that I've ever been.  Trust me, whether you say you care or you say you don't, self perception is huge!  I wasn't an absolute beef cake, but I looked really good, in my opinion, and I felt great.  And I've also been 120 pounds soaking wet, hip bones protruding out a little.  My point is that I've been on pretty much every weight spectrum that you could categorize, and so I feel like I have a somewhat informed and unbiased opinion.  In other words, I'm not just trying to take a stab at out of shape people.

With all the polite and fluff stuff out of the way, I can finally say this: LOSE SOME FUCKING WEIGHT AMERICA!!! DOWN WITH RANCH!!!  It's really not that hard.  If I can gain 40 pounds in 2 1/2 months then you can lose 20 in the same amount of time, easily.  It's not fun, it's not easy, and it's not glamorous, but dammit neither is dying at 35.  Diabetes being in epidemic is a joke, not because the disease isn't serious, but because it's completely preventable by just paying attention to what you put in or do to your body.  I mean, we're starting to manufacture children's car seats to be bigger because kids can't fit in the default ones anymore!  What's the only self depricating act that's worse for your body then obesity?  Smoking, which is practically outlawed anywhere but your own home anymore. 

So should we make overweight or underweight people criminals?  Should we outlaw and ban places like Golden Corral and Country Kitchen Buffet?  Of course not.  I'm not trying to crucify our country for being so out of shape either.  I'm not asking everyone to go out and completely change the way they look.  I'm also not denying that there are some people out there who were truly born with more likelihood to become bigger and to stay bigger, or have a hard time losing weight.  There are also people out there who can shed pounds like they're drying off from the shower.  Some people are just happier the way they are too and that's wonderful.  The better you feel about yourself, the less self perception matters anyway.

This message has not been for those people.  This is a message to all the people who say they can't before they've tried, who say they won't even when given the perfect opportunity, and the "victims" out there who use the people with the real problems to mask their own problems from themselves and from society, and who use the real victims as excuses to be lazy.